Cengpang Zoao

Cummunity tiake ower

CA: 51TCmvoLEzbXAeyuuekU8SGYsyzcCs2cnGz58tLuQYm3

Dwont JEEET u, $$DUmb Fux4k

EVer Wander If yuoo gust nevrer soldd

Community Burn address- FE85WXnJNYzMD2BekCFNPBMvQjSSMgFFjwy6tcA7qCVs

$Cummunity tiake ower$

Dive intu da hilarius univurse of CZ mems. Frum pokur dais to cripto king, evry mem tels a story. Cengpang Zoao, $CZE, is da man hu tradid hous for Bitcoin n bekam cripto legnd. Frum pokur tabels to runnin' da bigest coin swap, his story is now urs in mem form. Got queshuns? Mor mems? Rekh out!

LP: Burtnt

Supply: 99,996,816.10

Dwont JEEET u, $$DUmb Fux4k- Way da 4ce be ct witcho

wake sure too hasve fujnnnn, adnd weremebr MAY DA FOURTH BE WIDTH yoo dis memepool jurkk ofof seakeknson.